1. Quiet time – is 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM. All children must be with parents at campsite by 10:00 PM. Radios and TV’s should not be heard beyond your site. No loud gatherings or parties. Please be considerate of your neighbors.
2. Only one camping unit allowed per campsite. A maximum of two vehicles per campsite is permitted. No driving or parking in grassed areas. Boats, ATV’s or other recreational vehicles must be parked in designated areas.
3. There will be no trespassing on other occupied or seasonal sites.
4. Fire rings are to be kept in their permanent location. Campfires are to be modest in size. All wood must fit inside fire rings. For the safety of all, please be sure your campfire is completely extinguished when leaving your site or retiring for the night.
5. Trees – No trees may be removed without park management approval. No cutting of tree limbs or branches without prior approval.
6. Place all garbage in dumpster. Littering is prohibited in every area of the campground.
7. No smoking in all campground buildings.
8. Firearms and fireworks are prohibited in campground.
9. Visitors – there is no fee for guests, but please do not abuse it by bringing in too many people at one time so we don’t have to change our policy in the future.
10. Lights – please do not use more than 2 strings of light per site. Please turn off lights before turning in for the night or leaving campground.
11. Speed limit – for safety of all, speed limit is 10 mph in entire campground.
12. Pets – Limit 2 dogs per site. Pets must be leashed at all times. All animal waste must be picked up immediately and place in a closed garbage bag and disposed of in the campground dumpster. Pets are not to be tied outside of your RV when you are not in the park and are not to be left unattended at any time. All Campers are responsible for the behavior of their pets. Aggressive behavior or excessive barking will not be tolerated.
13. Drunken or disorderly conduct will not be tolerated.
14. Laundry facilities are located in the bathhouse and are available 24 hours. Please do not leave clothes in the machines
15. Pursuant to Wisconsin DNR restrictions, firewood may not be brought into the campground. Firewood will be for sale at the office.
16. Our campers are welcome to bring their ATV’s/UTV’s to our campground. ATV’s/UTV’s can be parked at your site but must not encroach into the site next to you. You can drive your ATV/UTV from your campsite to a destination out of the campground, but absolutely no parading in and out of the campground or within the campground. No revving of engines in the campground.
17. No political signs, flags or banners at campsites.
18. Campground reserves the right to refuse stay for any RV's deemed to be in unacceptable condition.
Waiver of Liability
Camping has inherent risks associated with outside activities. We are not responsible for injuries or damages occurring as part of the inherent risks of any camping environment.
This property is privately owned. The camper accepts camping privileges with the understanding that he or she does hereby release Woods Edge Campground LLC, its owners, employees or volunteers, of all liability for the loss or damages to property and injury to his/her person arising out of his/her use of its camping facilities, and agrees to indemnify the campground, its owners, employees and volunteers against claims resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to the person(s) or visitor(s) of any member of the family of the camper, arising out of the use of its camping facilities including swimming in any ponds on the property. Swimming in any ponds on the property will be at the camper's own risk.
The camper agrees to pay for any damages to campground property, sites, buildings, facilities, equipment, or loss of equipment, which may occur as well as any attorney fees and expenses incurred by the Campground. The camper also agrees to immediately report any accident, injury or property damage to the manager or staff. If a hazard or dangerous situation exists on the premise, the said camper will notify the management or staff immediately.
The camper agrees to take full responsibility for himself/herself and all people in his/her party, including minors and visitors, and any animals in their care. All campers agree to read and comply with all campground rules and regulations as well as the terms and conditions as set forth in this registration form. Camper releases Woods Edge Campground LLC , it’s owners, employees and volunteers from liability for any injury or damage caused as a result of the wrongful or aggressive behavior or camper’s dog, cat or any other pet. Camper accepts personal responsibility and liability for any injury or damage caused as a result of the wrongful or aggressive behavior of camper’s dog, cat or any other pet, whether the loss or injury occurs as a result of biting, jumping, running, scratching, digging, charging or any other behavior.
The camper accepts full responsibility for his/her children or those children in his/her care, custody or control, and will supervise and attend to his/her children at all times while on these premises.
Camper agrees to the conditions of this Agreement, the Waiver of Liability and the Rules of the Campground and agrees to comply with them. Camper agrees to inform minor children and guests of the requirements of this Agreement and be responsible for their behavior and demeanor in the Campground. Camper understands that his/her stay at the Campground may be terminated by the Campground at any time in the sole discretion of the Campground.